5 research outputs found


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    APOC3 genetic variation, serum triglycerides, and risk of coronary artery disease in Asian Indians, Europeans, and other ethnic groups

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    Background: Hypertriglyceridemia has emerged as a critical coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factor. Rare loss-of function (LoF) variants in apolipoprotein C-III have been reported to reduce triglycerides (TG) and are cardioprotective in American Indians and Europeans. However, there is a lack of data in other Europeans and non-Europeans. Also, whether genetically increased plasma TG due to ApoC-III is causally associated with increased CAD risk is still unclear and inconsistent. The objectives of this study were to verify the cardioprotective role of earlier reported six LoF variants of APOC3 in South Asians and other multi-ethnic cohorts and to evaluate the causal association of TG raising common variants for increasing CAD risk. Methods: We performed gene-centric and Mendelian randomization analyses and evaluated the role of genetic variation encompassing APOC3 for affecting circulating TG and the risk for developing CAD. Results: One rare LoF variant (rs138326449) with a 37% reduction in TG was associated with lowered risk for CAD in Europeans (p = 0.007), but we could not confirm this association in Asian Indians (p = 0.641). Our data could not validate the cardioprotective role of other five LoF variants analysed. A common variant rs5128 in the APOC3 was strongly associated with elevated TG levels showing a p-value 2.8 × 10− 424. Measures of plasma ApoC-III in a small subset of Sikhs revealed a 37% increase in ApoC-III concentrations among homozygous mutant carriers than the wild-type carriers of rs5128. A genetically instrumented per 1SD increment of plasma TG level of 15 mg/dL would cause a mild increase (3%) in the risk for CAD (p = 0.042). Conclusions: Our results highlight the challenges of inclusion of rare variant information in clinical risk assessment and the generalizability of implementation of ApoC-III inhibition for treating atherosclerotic disease. More studies would be needed to confirm whether genetically raised TG and ApoC-III concentrations would increase CAD risk.Ministry of Health (MOH)National Medical Research Council (NMRC)Published versionAIDHS/SDS: The Sikh Diabetes Study/ Asian Indian Diabetic Heart Study was supported by NIH grants-R01DK082766; R01DK118427 (NIDDK) and NOT-HG11-009 (NHGRI) and grants from Presbyterian Health Foundation and Harald Hamm Diabetes Center of Oklahoma. Sequencing services were provided through the RS&G Service by the Northwest Genomics Center at the University of Washington, Department of Genome Sciences, under US Federal Government contract number HHSN268201100037C from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the NIH. LOLIPOP: The LOLIPOP study is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre Imperial College Healthcare NHS. Trust, the British Heart Foundation (S.P./04/002), the Medical Research Council (G0601966, G0700931), the Wellcome Trust (084723/Z/08/Z, 090532 & 098381) the NIHR (RP-PG-0407-10371), the NIHR Official Development Assistance (ODA, award 16/136/68), the European Union FP7 (EpiMigrant, 279143) and H2020 programs (iHealth-T2D, 643774). We acknowledge the support of the MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health, and the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit on Health Impact of Environmental Hazards. The work was carried out in part at the NIHR/Wellcome Trust Imperial Clinical Research Facility. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS. Trust, the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health. We thank the participants and research staff who made the study possible. JC is supported by the Singapore Ministry of Health’s National Medical Research Council under its Singapore Translational Research Investigator (STaR) Award (NMRC/ STaR/0028/2017). SAMAFS: SAMAFS is supported in part by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants P01 HL045522, R01 DK047482, DK053889, R01 HL113323, R37 MH059490, and T2D-GENES Consortium grants (U01 DK085524, U01 DK085584, U01 DK085501, U01 DK085526, and U01 DK085545). We thank the participants of the San Antonio Family Heart Study and the San Antonio Family Diabetes/Gallbladder Study for their continued cooperation and participation in our research programs. MISS-OLIVER: The OLIVER and MISS are partly supported by NIH grants -R01DK082766 funded by the National Institute of Health (NIDDK), Presbyterian Health Foundation Grants, the College of Medicine Alumni Association grant, and Leinbach Seed Grant from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. The authors thank all the participants of MISS-OLIVER participants and are grateful for their contribution to this study. UKBB: YT is supported by a Funai Overseas Scholarship from the Funai Foundation for Information Technology and the Stanford University School of Medicine. MAR is partially supported by Stanford University and a National Institute of Health center for Multi-and Trans-ethnic Mapping of Mendelian and Complex Diseases grant (5 U01 HG009080) and partially supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under award R01HG010140

    The biogeography of mitochondrial and nuclear discordance in animals.

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    Combining nuclear (nuDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers has improved the power of molecular data to test phylogenetic and phylogeographic hypotheses and has highlighted the limitations of studies using only mtDNA markers. In fact, in the past decade, many conflicting geographic patterns between mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers have been identified (i.e. mito-nuclear discordance). Our goals in this synthesis are to: (i) review known cases of mito-nuclear discordance in animal systems, (ii) to summarize the biogeographic patterns in each instance and (iii) to identify common drivers of discordance in various groups. In total, we identified 126 cases in animal systems with strong evidence of discordance between the biogeographic patterns obtained from mitochondrial DNA and those observed in the nuclear genome. In most cases, these patterns are attributed to adaptive introgression of mtDNA, demographic disparities and sex-biased asymmetries, with some studies also implicating hybrid zone movement, human introductions and Wolbachia infection in insects. We also discuss situations where divergent mtDNA clades seem to have arisen in the absence of geographic isolation. For those cases where foreign mtDNA haplotypes are found deep within the range of a second taxon, data suggest that those mtDNA haplotypes are more likely to be at a high frequency and are commonly driven by sex-biased asymmetries and/or adaptive introgression. In addition, we discuss the problems with inferring the processes causing discordance from biogeographic patterns that are common in many studies. In many cases, authors presented more than one explanation for discordant patterns in a given system, which indicates that likely more data are required. Ideally, to resolve this issue, we see important future work shifting focus from documenting the prevalence of mito-nuclear discordance towards testing hypotheses regarding the drivers of discordance. Indeed, there is great potential for certain cases of mitochondrial introgression to become important natural systems within which to test the effect of different mitochondrial genotypes on whole-animal phenotypes